Monday, March 20, 2006

Connected Once Again

Well, my computer is finally hooked up on my desk again. It'll only be here for a week until we move to the townhouse. But, I'm glad to have it back.

Looking over the internet, there isn't too much I've missed there. Although my friends did update their blogs. Hence, I feel as though I could do a brief blog update myself.

To everyone out there, Yes, I am excited. So, please refrain from asking me. I get asked at least once a day and I'm pretty tired of everyone asking a question that they pretty much know the answer to. I am moving and getting married in the next 2 weeks. Of course I'm excited. So, now that you all know the answer to your question, you don't have to ask me.

I'm finally showing a bit of a tanned glow. Definitely not overly impressed with my amount of colouring. But, that's ok. I like my pasty-whiteness very much. I just hope that this does help to prevent a major burn in Mexico. But, my gorgeous new floppy brimmed sun hat should help with that too!

Work is work. Hard to focus when there are a million other things I'd like to be doing.

The weather forecast is depressing as the next couple of weeks are filled with rain. Rainy wedding day and rainy moving day look probable. I'm more upset about the moving day prospects. The rain probably won't do much to make my friends feel good about helping us move. In fact, there may be a general regretful feeling that they ever agreed in the first place. I just hope no one injures themselves from slippery sidewalks!!! We're hoping to counterbalance any bad moods with good refreshments for everyone!

For the next week (and maybe more) I will be reading no book OoO It's going to be hard to get myself through this time. Especially since my CD player is also packed up. But, I do have a mildly interesting magazine and may purchase a second to get me through this difficult time.

Incidentally, the book I just finished was The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I'm not sure if I've decided whether or not I like it. I feel a bit conflicted about it right now. I think I'll have to think about it a bit more. Discussing it with someone would probably help me a bit. But, I don't know anyone who read the whole thing.

And here I will stop hoping not to overload you with information. Also hoping to update at least once more before the wedding.

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