Monday, March 26, 2007

Sun Run Training - Week 10

This week I can see a bit of progress on my overall speed. I also ran for 65 minutes on Saturday and managed to do just a little over 10 km in that time. It was about a minute faster than my actual Sun Run time last year. I'm kind of disappointed because I'd like to be faster than my time last year. But, I also still have 3 more weeks left to train (man did the time fly by!). Plus, last year I thought my time would be about 10 minutes slower than it actually was. So, I'm hopeful that I'll still be able to shave off a few minutes and reach my basic goal of running it in under an hour.

I'm feeling pretty good overall about my fitness level. Kick boxing is awesome! Our friends Gareth and Debbie have signed up for the boxing class that runs a little later in the afternoon with the same instructor. We might sign up for that one too and then we'll have friends in class.

I've spent most of today doing some general housework and applying a grout sealer to the various grouted surfaces of the house. Lance is going to help me move some kitchen furniture this evening so we can tackle that area. The only real tough part about the kitchen is moving everything off the floor. I really wasn't looking forward to that. Hopefully we'll get the whole area a bit more organized though so things will look generally neater in there when we're done.

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